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Science and environmental communication, political communication, social change, computational methods of analysis
Since October 2020: Assistant at the Institute for Communication Science and Media Research IKMZ / University of Zurich (Chair Mark Eisenegger, Department Public Sphere and Society).
2020: Student conference coordinator for the International Sustainable Campus Network ISCN / ETH Lausanne
2019: Exchange semester / Hertie School Berlin, Germany
2018-2020: Master's degree in Development Studies / Graduate Institute Geneva
2016-2018: Assistant researcher at the Institute for Communication Studies and Media Research IKMZ / University of Zurich (Chair Mike Schäfer, Department of Science Communication)
2017: Exchange semester / Stellenbosch University, South Africa
2014-2017: Bachelor studies in Journalism & Communication Science and Business Administration / University of Zurich
More information about Dario Siegen's CV, projects, activities and publications can be found under the following link.