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Behavioral and attitudinal effects of political information behavior, perceived political viewpoint diversity exposure, perceived freedom of expression, different aspects of media diversity (structure, content, exposure, and perception), issue-specific (perceived) polarization , climate change mitigation and immigration policies
Since 2023: Research Associate at Heinrich Heine University Dusseldorf, Germany (Chair of Prof. Dr. Thomas Zerback: Democratic Will Formation in the Digital Society) and at the Research Center Public and Society (fög) of the University of Zurich
Since 2023: Research Assistant at the IKMZ in the division of Prof. Dr. Mark Eisenegger (Public Sphere and Society); prior to that in the division of Prof. Dr. Thomas Zerback (Political Communication)
2022 (May-Dec): Student Research Assistant in the Political Communication division (Prof. Dr. Thomas Zerback) at IKMZ
2020-2022: Student Research Assistant at the Research Center for the Public Sphere and Society of the University of Zurich
2020-2021: Tutor at the International and Comparative Media Research division (Prof Dr. Frank Esser) and the Public Sphere and Society division (Prof. Dr. Mark Eisenegger) at IKMZ
2020 (May-Dec): Student Research Assistant at the International and Comparative Media Research division (Prof. Dr Frank Esser) at IKMZ
Since 2023: PhD: Communication and Media Research, University of Zurich
2022: Master of Arts in Social Sciences: Political Communication and Governance, University of Zurich
2020: Bachelor of Arts in Social Sciences: Communication and Media Research, and Political Science, University of Zurich
Quirin Ryffel has been a research associate at the Research Center for the Public Sphere and Society at the University of Zurich since September 2023. He is also a research assistant and PhD student at the Department of Communication and Media Research at the University of Zurich at the chair of Prof. Dr. Mark Eisenegger(“Public Sphere & Society”) and a research associate at the Heinrich Heine University in Dusseldorf, Germany at the chair of Prof. Dr Thomas Zerback ("Democratic Will Formation in the Digital Society"). In his dissertation project he is investigating the determinants and effects of perceived exposure to diverse political viewpoints in Spain, Switzerland, and the United States in the context of two heavily contested policy areas: climate change mitigation and immigration restrictions. His dissertation project is funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF).Furthermore he is involved in research on issue-specific political polarization in the context of climate protection in Germany.
More information about Quirin Ryffel's CV, projects, activities and publications can be found under the following link