Silke Fürst, Dr. rer. soc.
- Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin / Research Associate
- Phone
- +41 (0)44 635 20 74
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- AND 2.92
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Science communication and communication of higher education institutions, journalism, discourses on media audiences, communication theory, media ethics, media history and history of communication studies, mediatization and datafication, open science and public science
Since 2023: Senior Assistant at the Institute for Communication Science and Media Research IKMZ / University of Zurich (Chair Mark Eisenegger).
2022-2023: Postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Communication Studies and Media Research IKMZ / University of Zurich. Research project: "Communication of Higher Education Institutions in Switzerland" funded by SNF.
2021: Doctorate in Social Sciences (Dr. rer. soc.) in Communication Sciences, University of Fribourg. Title of dissertation: "The audience is the message: How media publics are constructed in public communication". Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Philomen Schönhagen and Prof. Dr. Otfried Jarren.
2019-2021:Research Associate at the Institute for Communication Studies and Media Research IKMZ / University of Zurich. Research project: "Communication of Higher Education Institutions in Switzerland" funded by SNF.
2013-2014:Research associate at DCM - Department of Communication and Media Research, University of Fribourg. Research project: "Working conditions and freedom of reporting in journalistic organizations", funded by BMBF.
2012-2019: Research and teaching assistant at the DCM - Department of Communication and Media Research, University of Fribourg.
2009-2012: Research assistant at the IfK - Institute for Communication Science, University of Münster. Research project: "Organization and Public Sphere of Universities," funded by the BMBF.
2006-2009: Student assistant at Comdat Medienforschung GmbH, Münster, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Klaus Merten
2002-2008: Studies of Communication Science, Contemporary History and German Philology at the University of Münster
More information about Silke Fürst's CV, projects, activities and publications can be found under the following link.